Monday, July 22, 2013

The Sweater That (Seemed To) Never End(s) AKA My Hot Cocoa Tunic

Oh my, this took forrrr…evvvv…errrr to knit!!  That, and the pattern, Coffee Tunic by Mira Saarentaus, was originally written in Finnish so it was hard to understand in places… but I do love the finished product.  Just remind me never to knit a tunic in a sport weight yarn again.  Seriously, the pattern calls for size 2 and 2 1/2 needles.  What was I thinking?  I am glad to finally have it off my needles so I can focus on some new projects!

Knit-along Headband

I've taught a few friends the basics of knitting in the past, but none of them have ever really stuck with it.  So when a good friend asked me if I'd teach her, I expected similar results.  We ended up setting up a weekly knitting get together and invited several more friends.  After a few months, there are only four of us still getting together, but that means I now officially have THREE knitting friends!!!  Yay!
One of my friends made a 86-10 Headband in Alaska for her first project.  We all loved it so much, we decided to make a knit-along of it and all worked on one together.  I really need to get a picture of all four of us in our headbands.  It's so much fun to finally have friends to knit with!